LGH Founder Releases Autobiography

Lifting the WorldBridgeview, IL – November 19, 2015 – Published under Ladyhill House, “Lifting The World: The Autobiography of an Entrepreneur” is a brand new autobiography by the founder of Lifting Gear Hire, Bill Parkinson. The book details the proceeding events that eventually gave way to the successful creation of the largest lifting equipment rental company. From being fired at an early age to creating his own business hiring out rental equipment to managing a bustling new family, no stone is left unturned in his heartwarming, no-holds-barred retelling of LGH’s history.


Here’s an official synopsis from the publisher:


Bill Parkinson’s autobiography is a fascinating and heart-warming story of a man who was fired from his job in 1969, which prompted him to start his own business hiring out lifting equipment. Starting with an overdraft of £2500 and a second hand van, he created the largest such company in the world, with global sales of over $60 million. The book describes how he achieved this phenomenal success in a relatively small niche market. There are lots of anecdotes, especially from the early formative years, which clearly illustrate the attributes necessary to succeed in business, and there are a few cautionary tales showing that Bill’s judgement was not infallible. Along the way many businesses were bought, sold, started and closed in a roller-coaster ride of highs and lows. Bill might not be a household name like Richard Branson or Steve Jobs but his story is every bit as interesting; small businessmen and women who’d like to become big businessmen and women will be sure to gain motivation and inspiration from what Bill was able to achieve from a very inauspicious beginning.


The book is available through amazon.com in paperback and kindle form.

Buy it now

Founded in 1990, Lifting Gear Hire (LGH) is the United States’ largest single organization devoted exclusively to the provision of lifting and moving equipment for rent and sale. LGH provides hoistingpullingjackingriggingmaterial handling and safety equipment available for immediate and safe use. LGH’s mission is to offer expertise in the rental of the safest and most reliable hoisting and rigging equipment to build and support a better America. LGH – Puts Safety First.


If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Lifting Gear Hire, please contact Ken Deheve at 1-708-878-7305 x191 or ken.deheve@rentlgh.ca