Lifting Gear Hire (LGH) is pleased to announce that our 1st annual fundraiser in support of Transplant Village was quite a success. The cosmic themed event was held on October 12, 2014, and we surpassed our goal of raising $20,000! Transplant Village is the fundraising arm for the Northwestern Memorial Foundation. This event helped raise money that will go toward transplant research, in addition to the financial and emotional support provided to the families of the recipient and donor.
We want to thank everyone who took part in making this event a success. The support shown by those who sponsored, donated, or attended was tremendous.
Galaxy Sponsors:
All Material Handling, Inc.
BMWC Constructors, Inc.
Dynamic Measurement Systems, LLC
Gordon Worswick,
Sabiduria, Ltd
Harrington Hoist, Inc.
Karen and Amy
“Friends of OYM”
MB Financial Bank
Mike Lee
Pewag Incorporated
Raymond P. Scannell
Sosin & Arnold, LTD
Syl Sikorski
United Scrap Metal
Weltman Bernfield, LLC
Comet Sponsors:
CSI Materials Handling
Doubek Medical Supply & Pharmacy
Fans of Annette & Fiscelli Family
Kiefer USA / Dean Heidloff
LGH “Silver Fox’s Finance Girls”
LGH Marketing & IT Departments
Lyons & Pinner Electric Companies
Patrick & Michelle Clark Family
Ronald Fricilone
Stress Analysis Solutions Engineering
William Kovacic, Asset Strategies, Inc.
Star Gazer Sponsors:
Al & Donna Huchel
Alan & Carol Bartels
Vincent Finley, Spanco
James Gajdorus
Marissa Lanzito, AT Properties
Melanie Madigan
Susan Parks
Brandy Staniszeski
Laura Regalado
Jim Siniawski
Rick Arnold
Rich Glass
Don Bellik
Ryan Hooper
Susan Torres
Troy Ryan
Jeffrey Koeneman
Tony Fiscelli
Dan Konsoer
Thomas Beasley
Michael Ripley
[span4]Raffle Donations:
Barb Tenison
Brian & Joanne Ward
Carbit Paint
Cheesecake Factory
Chicago Blackhawks
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Office Products
Chicago White Sox
Chicago Wolves
Clancy’s Pizza Pub
Cooper’s Hawk
Creative Cakes
Dave & Buster’s
Great Clips
Grizzly Jack’s Grand Bear Casino
Harborside International
Golf Club – Chicago
Haunted Trails Family Amusement Park
Joliet Slammers
Katie Gorton
Kim Casper
Lou Malnati – Park Hill Towne Ctr
Michelle Lee
Mr. Benny’s
Sandy Lewis
Shedd Aquarium
Stacy Cullotta
Sully Scramble Foundation
The Morton Arboretum
The Patio Restaurant
Tony Fiscelli
Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort
Windy City Thunderbolts
Zacarelli’s Pizzeria

LGH…Going Cosmic for Tranplant Village fundraiser – October 12, 2014.