LGH Would Like to Welcome Our Three Newest Rental Representatives

LGH would like to welcome our three newest rental representatives. Kevin Carson, Moh Ayyad, and Chris Connelly.

Kevin joined LGH in July 2020. Kevin is covering our Colorado territory. Moh joined LGH in November 2020. Moh is covering the greater Toronto area in Canada. Chris joined LGH in January 2021. Chris is covering Northern Virginia and DC areas.

LGH is excited to have these three join the team and expand our representative coverage.

Name: Kevin Carson
Phone: (720)-492-0291
Email: Kevin.Carson@rentlgh.ca

Name: Moh Ayyad
Phone: (647)-528-7391
Email: Moh.Ayyad@rentlgh.ca

Name: Chris Connelly
Phone: (224)-234-5357
Email: Chris.Connelly@rentlgh.ca