Lifting Gear Hire assisted BCMC Build by providing quality lifting equipment in their efforts to construct a new home for Veteran Sgt. Tony Feaster and his family in Concord, North Carolina.
The BCMC 2014 Operation Family Home Project is a consortium of contractors and laborers who donate their time, energy, and money into building new homes for veterans devoid of any charges to them as a way to honor and pay tribute to their heroic service.
Having provided equipment to the organization before in previous home constructions, Lifting Gear Hire was eager to assist once again in providing a Modulift® modular spreader beams, and shackles to BCMC as they labored to craft together a new place for Tony Feaster and his family to live.
Stan Sias of BCMC Build Chair 2014 wrote to Bob Crabb, a Regional Manager for LGH, to issue a heartfelt thank-you to Bob and LGH by extension for our continued support in their projects and said they would not be done safely without our participation.
May 5th will be a special day for Tony Feaster and his family as BCMC will hold a special ceremony for the grand unveiling of their new home. National, state and local dignitaries will be there to honor Tony and a film crew will accompany them to capture the event.
This is a special moment for everyone involved including Lifting Gear Hire as we always aspire to improve lives by providing quality lifting equipment to build and construct projects safely and efficiently. Especially including our servicemen who labored to protect our country, so we’re honored to contribute in fashioning together a new home for a true American hero.
For more information about BCMC or if you’d like to contribute, visit BCMC.