Lifting Gear Hire has been partnered with Transplant Village as our corporate charity in an effort to help raise funding and awareness for transplant patients at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) based in Chicago, IL
We, at Lifting Gear Hire, would not be where we are today without Pat Fiscelli; likewise, he would not be here today without the support and cooperative efforts of Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Transplant Village.
Our goal at Lifting Gear Hire is to partner with Transplant Village to support them now and in the future. We are excited to be partnered with Transplant Village and are looking forward to being a significant contributor for many years to come. We look forward to your support. Please refer to the sponsorship opportunities and event information listed below.
LGH has planned this year’s fundraiser for September 8, 2019. We will be changing venues this year and making it a day of family fun at Haunted Trails in Joliet, IL.