Hayes Mechanical, Inc. of Chicago, IL, was hired to install new ductwork to reverse the flow of gases going through an existing electrostatic precipitator utilizing air chain hoists, trolleys, MODULIFT® modular spreader beams and other rigging tools supplied by Lifting Gear Hire.
The project was finished on time and the unit was released back to the customer ahead of schedule. From an engineering standpoint, the goal was to reduce the operating temperatures of the precipitator by 350 degrees F. Due to the efforts exerted by Hayes Mechanical and the equipment provided by LGH, they were able to accomplish their endeavor and the project was deemed a success.
“We have worked with LGH for many years,” Bob Segiet, Project Manager and Site Construction Supervisor said. “Because the reliability and condition of the equipment, we were very confident that when the equipment came out, it was going to be rebuilt, inspected and ready to go. Also, LGH provided all the documentation we needed for the lift plans as well. This made it very easy for us to get right into the project.”
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