Even the most highly skilled trainers in the industry benefit from continued education. Crane & Rigging Hotline’s Top Corporate Trainer of 2015 and Lifting Gear Hire’s National Rental Support Manager, Patrick Clark, recently completed the International Training International’s advanced training course, Master Rigger. The course is designed to support the continuing education of those in the rigging industry.
“The reason I took the course was to share my expertise with colleagues and customers, alike,” Clark said. “But to also show even the most seasoned professionals in the industry of continued education. With new technology and techniques being developed frequently, it’s important to understand and utilize them properly to ensure a safe, productive and efficient work environment.”
Clark previously won Crane & Rigging Hotline’s Top Corporate Trainer Awards program in 2015 for leaving a positive impact in the work environment through the use of innovative training techniques. Established in 2008, the program was designed to recognize crane and rigging trainers working in the construction industry.
“As much knowledge as I came into the class with, I was able to learn more theory, additional formulas and several more alternate load handling techniques,” Clark continued. “I wanted to get as much as information as I could to pass it over to our rental center personnel and our customers. I had high expectations for this class, but even those were exceeded. It blew my mind how well organized the class was. All of the vessels and work areas were freshly painted. The staff was warm and supportive. Everything was safe, and one of the first things we learned was how to be very careful in the field while performing our practical exercises. I’m glad I took this course because I was able to borrow some ideas and bring them back to LGH.”
While at ITI’s training center in Woodlands, Washington, Clark successfully passed his CCO Rigger Level I & II practical examinations, as well.
The Master Rigger course, offered by ITI, is designed for participants who have had over 2 years of crane and rigging experience. The course exposes students to a myriad of equipment and applications including crane lifts, load turning, load drifting and more. To register for an upcoming course or to have the course hosted at your facility, visit http://www.iti.com/master-rigger-training.