Hosted by TNT Crane & Rigging of Houston, Texas, the 2nd Lift & Move USA event was held on February 10, 2016 and drew in an extraordinary 650 students, teachers, and military veterans from all across the U.S.
The event is organized by SC&RA, KHL Group and NCCCO with each event hosted by a different SC&RA member. Around 140 visitors attended the first Lift & Move USA conference in Chicago in 2015, but thanks in part to amazing word-of-mouth, the number of registrants nearly quintupled in Houston.
Visitors obtained the chance to hear from speakers from various companies and organizations including TNT, Bengal and Berard Transportation, and Lifting Gear Hire. Among the speakers present was Dan Gomez of LGH, Rental Representative for Florida, who came to explain the career opportunities in the US crane, rigging, and specialized transportation industry.
“It was a great turn,” Dan Gomez said. “I feel like this is an excellent way to get more young minds interested in the rigging industry. Once we set up our LGH booth, many students were eager to learn what we do for the rigging industry. Some were even ready to submit a resume. Once I was on stage, I explained how I became involved in the rigging industry. I told them I was in the same boat as they were – that I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school and college isn’t for everyone. I told them you have to work your way up and continue to try until you get to where you want to be.”
Lift & Move USA was designed to help students, parents, teachers, and military personnel find career opportunities and learn more about the crane, rigging, and specialized transportation industry by providing them a chance to network with professionals and operate a fully-functioning crane.
Silver sponsors of the event were All Companies and Tadano. Gold sponsors of the event were CICB, H&E Equipment Services and LGH.
An additional two Lift & Move USA events are planned for 2016 including one hosted by Buckner Companies in North Carolina in May, and another hosted by Bragg Crane in California in November.