Hoisting 101: Gantries
A gantry can be an excellent rigging solution when headroom is limited or no convenient lifting points are available. So why should you rent a gantry? Let’s start with the basics!
A gantry is a framework structure that provides overhead lifting points on a jobsite. Sometimes referred to as an “A-frame”, these structures are portable, adjustable, and easy to assemble in the field. These frameworks are commonly composed of steel or aluminum and are rated for varying weight capacities. Gantries are designed to hang rigging gear such as hoists from the header beams. These gantries can span elevator shafts or even large holes. Below are a few great reasons to rent a gantry for your next project!
Portability: Save on Manpower
Typically, a gantry rental is for one-time use or for specialty projects. Rentable gantries are easily disassembled and reassembled, allowing for easy transport and less downtime for your workers. If there are multiple projects, it can be easily moved to a new location. Most gantry options at LGH also offer pneumatic tire casters. This allows for effortless maneuverability.
Options: Not Confined to One Model
Gantries are a very versatile piece of equipment. LGH offers steel, aluminum, and even hydraulic gantries up to 20 ton capacity. When you rent gantries, you can view an array of different models and decide which of them best serves your need. If you are unsure which model is best for your project, contact your local rep.
Save Money: Rentals Do the Dirty Work
Renting eliminates the need to maintain, store, and certify your own gantries. Renting allows you to acquire the exact capacity gantry that you need, for the exact amount of time that you need it. Purchasing requires maintenance costs and a time-consuming certification process.
Flexibility: Multiple Height and Length Beams
Gantries have adjustable height and length of beams, allowing for easy customization of the gantry to accommodate all types of space limitations.
Lightweight or Heavy Duty: Many Capacity Offerings
Moreover, when renting a gantry, you can get exactly what you need without paying for what you don’t need. Gantries from LGH range from 1 to 20 ton capacities, with many options in between.
Peace of Mind: Inspecting and Certification
From a safety perspective, it’s advisable to rent from a company that trains and certifies it’s staff. LGH trains our staff to safely inspect or test gantries per the guidelines of ANSI, ASME, or OSHA. And it’s hard to put a price on peace of mind! LGH’s mission is to offer expertise in the rental of the safest and most reliable hoisting and rigging equipment. We are helping to lift North America.
For more information and assistance in selecting the best tool for any job, click here to contact one of our a member of our expert team, or give us a call at (800) 878-7305.