Trolleys come in many different shapes, sizes, and capacities. Trolleys allow a suspended load to be moved horizontally across beams from one point to another. Based off the application you’ll be able to choose what trolley should be used for your particular project. Let’s start with a list of some different types of trolleys available on the market.
Trolley types:
- Manual / Push trolleys – trolley is moved along the beam via a manual method (manpower)
- Electric powered motorized trolleys – trolley is moved along the beam via an electric motor
- Air-powered motorized trolleys – trolley is moved along the beam via an air-powered motor
Trolleys range in capacities from 1 ton to 50 ton and can fit several flange widths. In planning what trolley you’ll need it’s important to determine what type of trolley, capacity, and flange size are needed. Not only do you need the width of the flange it is also important to know the thickness of the flange as well. Once this is determined you can properly fit your trolley for your specific application. It is important to ensure your trolley capacity is within the load range of the object you are lifting. In addition, please remember that trolleys cannot be side-loaded for any reason. Once you choose the appropriate trolley you can now move onto what hoisting method will be used for the particular application you are working on.