Every year just before Thanksgiving, I try and reflect on some of the things I should be thankful for from this past year. Thanksgiving is always a busy time for many people and not to mention, it appears we’re going to have a “white” Thanksgiving from all of the snow Chicago received this past weekend. One of the first things I realize I’m grateful for is my LGH family. We’ve added new members to our team, added new pieces of equipment to our warehouse, and continued our westward expansion. I am very thankful for being part of a fantastic organization and to be surrounded by such a great management team and staff. Without all of their help, LGH would not be the successful business that we are today. I had lunch this week with our new LGH employees which provided me an opportunity to reflect on the beginning of LGH and how far we have come the past 25 years.

This led me to think about what Thanksgiving means to LGH. Thanksgiving is a time for family and to be thankful for what you have. At LGH, we’re a family company. We have fathers and daughters working alongside each other. We have husbands and wives. We have cousins, etc. Instead of getting together for a special occasion once or twice a year, we all get to work together every day. Now that’s something to be thankful for in my opinion. That’s what Thanksgiving means to LGH. It means family and not taking the special gift of seeing each other each day for granted.
I am truly thankful and appreciative in regards to how far we have come. I look forward to many more Thanksgiving’s and what the next 25 years at LGH will bring. Thank you all and have a Happy Thanksgiving!