Continuing from where we left off in our previous installment, the tri-link is a very versatile tool that allows the legs of multiple slings to be equalized, but can also be used in other, more imaginative ways. When used with multiple slings, the tri-link balances the forces within the legs to keep the load stable at the lift points and can also be used to even up sling lengths.
On the smaller, 55-ton model, the spread from shackle to shackle is exactly 24” center-to-center, while the larger, 175-ton model spans 26” center-to-center. The additional spread can greatly reduce the tension seen at a lift point and may be the difference between performing a lift safely or overloading the lifting lugs increasing the potential of catastrophic failure. Reducing the applied angle also increases the longevity of your lifting straps, so it’s a dual benefit.
Some of our customers have rented tri-links for use as a sort of mini spreader bar on applications where headroom is at a premium and/or the load requires a softer angle coming from the crane hook. Using tri-links in this application creates an additional spread from the hook, as noted above, and can reduce the angle of the sling by up to 10-degrees from the vertical. To put it in other terms, if your load is 10’ wide and weighs 29,000 pounds (split evenly), the use of a tri-link would decrease the tension seen on the lifting straps from 16,748 pounds of force to 15,820 pounds. That difference may allow you to perform the lift with the straps you have in your fleet rather than needing to rent or purchase larger slings to handle the additional force.
One of my favorite uses for the tri-link, however, is in conjunction with a spreader bar setup when pick points are required in the middle of the bar. Spreader bars, by nature, can only accommodate pick points at the end of the bar. Utilizing two tri-links, it becomes possible to surround the spreader beam with slings running between them. This method would be used when it would either be impractical to attach the middle pick points directly to the crane hook or if the headroom between the hook and the spreader would not allow slings to drop down without the risk of touching the spreader in the middle.
For any questions regarding tri-links or any other lifting, rigging, pulling or jacking equipment, please reach out to your local representative or give us a call at 800-878-7305 to speak with one of our rental specialists.