In this industry, the gear used to perform the lifts and moves on sites can have a tremendous impact on the result of any job. improperly maintained equipment or having the wrong gear for the job can stop a job in its tracks in a best-case scenario or even lead to costly or deadly accidents on the job. When it comes to the gear being used, there are some that believe owning their own equipment is the best way to go but, in many cases, this is not true.

Accurate Cost

Oftentimes, we’ll hear from our customers that the purchase price of a piece of equipment, when not astronomical, is a more enticing option for them. That is, until we point out some of the flaws in that logic. Think of purchasing equipment like when you’re shopping for a home. You see a clearly defined price for the home itself, but if you don’t look closely, you’ll miss quite a few secondary charges that aren’t included in your purchase. You’ll need to account for monthly and yearly maintenance that is not planned and adds more cost to your initial outlay just as you would with repair in a home. Having somewhere to store the equipment properly to keep up the functionality costs your company land to store at a minimum or maintaining monthly payments on a storage site lease similar to HOA fees. Your company also may incur extra taxes on equipment purchases, which can be avoided with rentals.
Right Tool for the Job
Have you ever found yourself using a crescent wrench or some other forged steel tool to hammer a nail when you were in a pinch and didn’t have a hammer available? I’m sure we all have done something similar and substituted equipment that isn’t designed for that application simply to get a job done. The same holds true on sites that require a level of lifting or rigging capability. Using the wrong piece of equipment can be detrimental not only to your gear, but also the equipment you’re looking to move and your workers as well. Now imagine you have a reliable source to obtain the right tool for the job at a reasonable rate that can get what you need on your site when you need it and remove it when you’re done. Wouldn’t that make things considerably easier, safer and, furthermore, assist you in getting your job completed on time? That’s where renting comes in handy. Keeping your crew working with reliable equipment saves money on unnecessary downtime as well as helping spread your name around as capable of keeping to a deadline. Reputation alone is an enormous tool that can generate extra business opportunities with no additional advertising required.
Reduced Maintenance Expense
As was mentioned earlier, maintaining a piece of rigging equipment is costly and requires a skilled technician to ensure the safety and reliability of the unit. Unless you maintain a crew of dedicated maintenance technicians along with a fully stocked inventory of replacement parts for each piece of equipment you own, you’re going to run into issues where you’ll have to turn away or delay a job while you wait for your gear to be repaired. At LGH, we happily take on that responsibility so that you can focus on keeping yourself and your crew busy and bringing in new jobs. You’re good at your job and we are good at ours. Let us be your ally on the job site and allow us to act as your own personal inventory or hoisting and rigging equipment for nearly any job.
Conservation of Capital
Let’s face it, no one goes into opening a business with the mindset of never growing in size and capability. Anyone that starts a career looks to the future for advancement opportunities and your company is surely no different. Along your journey to expand your business, however, additional costs creep up that can directly affect your ability to continue growth. Any outlay of cash on rigging equipment will only serve to further delay your company’s growth potential. Instead of taking on equipment ownership, consider renting the tools you need as you need them. LGH has invested a lot of time and effort to ensure each of our reps has the expertise in the industry and that our equipment lives up to the requirements of our reps and your experienced crew. As your business grows, we are here to allow you to focus your money on continued business growth, not get bogged down with stagnant inventory.