The Stability of 4 Legs vs 3 Legs
Which is more stable- a 4 leg bar stool or 3 leg? You can ask the same question about a 4 leg or 3 leg bridle sling.
The Stability Challenge
The challenge comes when the load meets the dollies, skates, or other means of transportation. Because of the different point weights, it is very easy to quickly overload the moving equipment.
How about the use of 4 machine skates versus load equalizing dollies? For example, if a load is being off-loaded by means of a crane, your team must calculate and locate the precise off-set center of gravity. Whether it’s stools, slings, or load equalizing dollies, the reality is that the weight is often distributed unevenly when a load is applied.
The Stable Solution
Most of the time, the 3 leg option will ensure stronger stability. There are rare exceptions to this, but it is essential to consider this rule of thumb in order to prevent workplace mishaps.
A good practice to consider would be to set the unit on cribbing or blocks first, then utilize jacks to lift and lower on your transporters.

This may take a few more steps, but if the long run, it increases your safety culture and will save against costly damage to both load and transport equipment.