5 Practical Reasons to Rent MatJack Air Bags from LGH
When it comes to heavy lifting in tight spaces, traditional methods may not work. That’s where MatJack air bags come to the rescue! MatJack air bags have revolutionized jacking for many industries. They offer an innovative solution for lifting heavy loads with minimal clearance. In this article, we’ll delve into five practical reasons why renting MatJack air bags from LGH is the smart choice for your next project.
1. Remarkable Lifting Capacity
MatJack air bags offer an impressive lifting capacity. This ranges from 6 tons to a whopping 70 tons. With their robust construction and high-pressure capabilities, these air bags can lift a lot of weight. This makes them suitable for a wide array of applications. Whether you’re lifting machinery in muddy conditions, undergoing a rescue operation, or rerailing a rail car, MatJacks can get it done.
2. Minimal Clearance Requirements
A standout feature of the MatJack is its minimal requirement for 1 inch of clearance. Only 1 inch! This makes them the perfect choice when space is limited. They’re ideal for under buildings, bridges, or other structures. Traditional hydraulic cylinders and toe jacks demand more clearance. MatJacks low profile is an absolute game-changer.
3. Versatile Size Range
Let’s size up the benefits. MatJack offers a range of air bag sizes, from 10 square inches up to 34 square inches. This versatility allows you to choose the right size for your specific lifting needs. Whether you’re dealing with a confined space or a larger lifting area, they can provide flexibility. They can adapt to various requirements without compromising on performance.
4. Stackable for Enhanced Stroke Height
Get stacked! Stack up to two MatJack air bags on top of each other to double your stroke height. This means that even when dealing with ultra-low profiles, you can achieve your lift. Complex lifting operations are now more attainable than ever! Plus, the reduced need for extra equipment will save you stacks of money.
5. Comprehensive Controller Options
LGH offers a variety of controller options. We provide single controllers for independent operation, as well as two-way and four-way controllers. These multi-way controllers act as manifolds. This level of control simplifies the process and enhances safety and precision.
MatJack air bags from LGH are a ground-breaking lifting solution. Their impressive lifting capacity, minimal clearance needs, versatile sizing, enhanced stroke height, and comprehensive controller options make them a go-to choice for all industries. When you’re faced with a challenging lift, consider renting MatJack air bags from LGH. Experience firsthand the innovation, efficiency, and reliability they bring to your next project.
Contact LGH today to inquire about MatJack air bag rentals and elevate your lifting capabilities to new heights. rentlgh.ca
About LGH
LGH is North America’s largest single organization devoted exclusively to the provision of lifting and moving equipment for rent. LGH holds the most comprehensive inventory for hoisting, rigging, jacking, pulling, material handling, and safety equipment. With over 90,000 pieces, discover your next project solution at rentlgh.ca